Upcoming events

  • Energy Group

    March 19th, 10:00-11:00am

    This is an in-person event. We will be practicing the grounding and clearing of our containers (chakra/aura). Register below to get the address. Free of charge.

  • Energy Group

    April 3rd, 10:00-11:00am

    This is an in-person event. We will be practicing the grounding and clearing of our containers (chakra/aura). Register below to get the address. Free of charge.

    Event: Grounding and Clearing Practice

  • Energy Group

    May 1st, 10:00-11:00am

    This is an in-person event. We will be practicing the grounding and clearing of our containers (chakra/aura). Register below to get the address. Free of charge.


Intuitive Collage Workshop

What happens when we stop talking and make art?

Come join me in creating your very own collage. You do not need to be artistic to join. In fact this might be hard for artists. It is not about the art, it is about the expression of art. Your expression. I’m always surprised by the magic that unfolds when we use art to access our unconscious minds. We discover what wants to be expressed, before we have words to express it. Are you curious?

We will focus our intuitive art on this New Year. What information do we need to assist us in moving through this New Year? What wants to be discovered?

Come join a small group at my home in Portland, Oregon for two hours. (This is an in person Event.)

Light snacks and refreshments will be served. All supplies are provided. Cost $45

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Time Out Tuesday
to Nov 15

Time Out Tuesday

You asked for it and here it is!

Every Tuesday 6-6:45pm, we will meet virtually to practice clearing our energy/container/aura. This is a healing and soothing practice that can help you to have clarity, calmness, and restore your vitality. We will be 50% focused on energy practices and 50% on answering questions or discussing energy themes.

Attend passively or actively. Passive: Leave your mic and camera off and have your own insular experience of the class. Active: Leave your camera on and you can chime in with questions. I encourage you to participate in the way that is best for your well being.

Cost is $7 per class. Register before class starts, to get the link.

******If you are a coaching client, it is free for you to attend. Ask me for the code. 

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FREE. Basic Energy Anatomy

FREE. Basic Energy Anatomy

Come and sit with me (virtually) while I take you through a guided meditation, describing your basic energy anatomy. We will identify the basic structures and then clear our containers.

This is a good class for you if:

  • You are curious about energy

  • You would like just a basic understanding of your energy anatomy

  • You want to know what it feels like to have “clear” energy

  • You want to experience this in a safe space with good boundaries

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Free. Self Coaching Model

Free. Self Coaching Model

If I could teach everyone in the world this “self coaching model” I would no longer need to work. Then we could all hang out at the beach together, living abundant, beautiful lives. So let’s get started! Join me in this virtual class.

This is a great class for you, if:

  • You would like to move from being controlled by your thoughts TO choosing your thoughts

  • You would like a tool that gives you instant self awareness

  • You would like to learn to use this secret sauce on yourself, so that you can get out of any rut

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Free. Message from your Guides

Free. Message from your Guides

The separation between us and those on the other side is a thin veil. Bring your burning question and I will access your guides and/or pull a tarot card to get your answers. In a very non-creepy way, with respectful boundaries, we will see what information needs to come through for you in this virtual class. This class is limited to three people.

This is a good fit for you if:

  • You feel like you need a bigger answer

  • You want to find out who your spirit guide/angel is right now

  • You are wanting to be pointed in the right direction

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FREE. Basic Energy Anatomy

FREE. Basic Energy Anatomy

Come and sit with me (virtually) while I take you through a guided meditation, describing your basic energy anatomy. We will identify the basic structures and then clear our containers.

This is a good class for you if:

  • You are curious about energy

  • You would like just a basic understanding of your energy anatomy

  • You want to know what it feels like to have “clear” energy

  • You want to experience this in a safe space with good boundaries

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Full/Closed - Energy Essentials
to May 25

Full/Closed - Energy Essentials

This is the First class in the Energy Series. This 8 week online class will teach you how to recognize, connect to, and manage your own energy field or energy container (aura). Each week there will be a 1.5 hour group class and a 30 minute individual energy session with me. In the one on one energy session, I will work with you individually to help you see and access your container and resolve or clear the container issues you are experiencing, which might include help from spirits and spirit guides.

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