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Time Out Tuesday

You asked for it and here it is!

Every Tuesday 6-6:45pm, we will meet virtually to practice clearing our energy/container/aura. This is a healing and soothing practice that can help you to have clarity, calmness, and restore your vitality. We will be 50% focused on energy practices and 50% on answering questions or discussing energy themes.

Attend passively or actively. Passive: Leave your mic and camera off and have your own insular experience of the class. Active: Leave your camera on and you can chime in with questions. I encourage you to participate in the way that is best for your well being.

Cost is $7 per class. Register before class starts, to get the link.

******If you are a coaching client, it is free for you to attend. Ask me for the code. 

July 7

FREE. Basic Energy Anatomy

January 15

Intuitive Collage Workshop