About me…

Rachel Vail

Life Coach and HR Consultant


Our world is changing exponentially. The time for each of us to begin or continue the work of our own individual growth is now. To this end, I am stepping up to engage in this critical healing work. If you are also feeling the pull of these changes, the desire to improve your personal well-being, then my friend, you are in the right place. Welcome.

I am most interested in two things:

Why do we suffer?

How does our perspective, our thoughts, affect our succes?

I’m completely obsessed with how people think about their life situations and how different perspectives can CHANGE those very same lives. I’m fascinated with the stories we tell ourselves. These stories can put us in cages, or they can simply free us. The thing is, most of us are walking around with stories we don’t even realize we have created or co-created. The stories become a part of our belief in ourselves, a framework we operate from, and ultimately they become intractable. I know there is no way to prevent pain. Being human guarantees us pain. However, the suffering that stories create for us, is optional.

Whether you are working with me for coaching or consulting, I will provide you the tools and framework you need to transform your current challenges. Ultimately, my goal is to get you to a place where I am not needed. I am forever working myself out of a job.

Rachel Vail has a Bachelor’s degree in Communications/Psychology/Sociology and has taken various coaching, assessment and mediation trainings. She has over 15 years’ Human Resources experience and 8 years’ coaching experience. When she’s not on Zoom with you, she is likely outside in her small urban garden. 

“I’m so much happier. I cannot express how she has changed my life and my family’s life.”

— A.S.